Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Attending a Family Thanksgiving without a Plus One

When you receive an invitation to an event, you immediately begin to think about who your plus one will be. This is a crucial question when it comes to weddings or formal events in particular. It can make the difference between looking single and ready to mingle or part of a couple.

No one knows from a mere glance that your hot date is really your gusband (gay husband) aka standby date for any event in which you can't get a "real" date. Yes, just like on the Sex in the City show, many of us have a real life Standford. The issue with mine is that NO ONE ever thinks that he is gay. He is way too much the masculine, muscular, ex-college-football-playing type. The plus: everyone thinks you've landed this well-dressed, well groomed hottie AND he will honestly tell you if you look fat in the dress before you leave the house looking a fool. The minus: Said hottie can deter a lot of potential candidates from approaching you.

However this "one plus" issue also comes into play with family gatherings. Considering Thanksgiving is tomorrow (and the fact that I am such an introspective thinker-NOT), I find myself both single and without a plus one while contemplating: When is it appropriate to bring a new candidate around the family?

You don't want to introduce too soon at the risk of seeming too into the guy already. But what is the appropriate waiting period? Or rather than a timeframe, is there another indicator like you've been on XX amount of dates? Or you've seen him naked? Or you've had the "exclusive" talk?

I am just curious what other women's opinions are on this topic?

I have heard that the Weds before Thanksgiving is actually a great night for people to go out since many have friends/family in town for the holiday. However since all my single peeps are tied up, I will not be conducting any research until after Thanksgiving. A Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow single ladies STILL not having sex in the city! (I'm putting a lot of hope into New Year's.....)

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