I have admittedly spent many a weekend night watching romantic comedies, clinging to that quickly fading belief that I could also meet my "true soul mate" on a train, in a grocery store, a book store, or by some other random, obscure chance meeting just like in the movies. I think such movies plant unrealistic expectations and hopes into that mushy part of our women brains. The part that allows us to rationalize these things don't really happen in real life, but still makes us wonder, what if....what if I was the person that it really happened to?? Just like in the movies......
Let's recap some of my ultimate favorite scenarios that you want to believe, but you know that it will NEVER happen (yet you still dream about it anyway):
Dream: Sitting on a train you look across and see a handsome guy looking directly at you. Your eyes meet and from that moment on you are forever connected. You just "know". You get off at the next stop and he watches you walk away. After coming to his senses and realizing you are the women of his dreams (from that one glance alone), he rides that same train day after day for months hoping to run into you again. But you only took that train by chance because you were running late that day. However, one day you think of him and "that look" and you decide to purposely take that late train again. And it happens..... You see him standing there on the platform looking for YOU too.....and you live happily ever after.
Reality: Sitting on a Chicago train, trying not to think of what that sticky spot on the seat next to you is, trying not to touch anything that might infect you, listening to the old guy snoring in the seat behind you, the young punks sitting across from you acting obnoxious and talking loud, scanning the entire train trying to find one person that looks even remotely normal and realizing there are NONE. You look back down at your phone and continue to play Words with Friends.
Dream: You realize at 9pm on Saturday night that there is nothing in your fridge except for a hunk of blue cheese that is not suppose to be blue and a green apple that was red when you originally bought it. So you dash out to the grocery store because you have no Ben and Jerry's (or salad fixings). You have no make-up on (but still have a healthy, fresh-faced look that men find natural and attractive) and your ratty but comfortable t-shirt and jeans on. As you are deciding which two flavors to buy because it's buy one pint, get one free (jackpot!), you see through the glass freezer doors that a handsome guy is checking you out.
He approaches you and inquires about where the produce aisle is (because obviously he can tell by looking at you that you must live off healthy vegetables alone). He explains that he just moved into the neighborhood after relocating from another state for a new job (most likely a CEO or other high level executive) and he is still finding his way around. Of course being the friendly person you are, you oblige and personally escort him to the produce aisle and help him pick out a good head of lettuce. The rest is history.......
Reality: You dash into the store and stuff as many 1/2 gallons as you can into your basket with what little room is left with the 2 bottles of wine that are already in there, go to the self checkout lane to avoid the judgmental eyes of the cashier and leave the store without having made eye contact with another human being. What self-respecting single woman is spotted in a grocery store on Saturday night??
Better yet, maybe I am going to realize that a man that is already in my life. but can't stand, is really the man I am meant to be with. You know you've seen it in movies and tv shows. There is always a guy and a girl (both very attractive but single) that claim to despise each other, exchange insulting banter, complain to other friends how the other is so obnoxious. Then after a long build-up and much anticipation they finally come to blows. After a rather heated exchange they suddenly realize all that anger was really amazing chemistry and they are madly in love.
Considering my closest male friends are my gay neighbor-husband and my gay work-husband, they are both quite fun and humorous and we've never had any heated exchanges, the only strange scenario I can fathom is the two of them hooking up!
So am I being cynical or does it ever really happen just like in the movies?
How true!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!